Friday, October 06, 2006

ogogogo labialips
pissssss wonk wonk
chish chis
treetops treetops

great green gadgets onefarious monkeys ohho oo
who clutch bananas their soft palms
pressed together against the gentle flesh

Hairs on their arms stick up
in a salute to the crisp blue air
of the cold day gone by

letting go like the god of wind
setting his tired frame onto
the starry couch of sky
allowing one last brush of whispery air
out from between his two soft lips
after the great and tragic storm crushed
the tiny town below


Blogger Jiling 林基玲 said... beautiful was that? lovely poem.. <3

mouuuntain monkiiies!!! (i miss my german papa. and i miss YOU. phone-tag me. it's your turn. ;)

luv, j

1:27 PM  
Blogger dhungana said...

fill us in on the magical flautas!!!

: ]

hope you're well brian. are you heading down for thanksgiving? christmas?

3:44 PM  

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